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Does you dog have fleas

Does your dog have fleas?

Does your dog have fleas and how do you know? Fleas are particularly common in warmer temperatures and, if the conditions are right, will burrow their way through the fur... Read More

Battle of the furry friends: Who is more intelligent, cats or dogs?

It’s an age old question and one that every pet lover has an answer to. We set out to discover who comes out on top in the intelligence stakes –... Read More
Which pet is smarter
How to tell if your dog is sick

Can you tell if your dog is sick by feeling its nose?

It’s one of the oldest of old wives’ tales that feeling how wet or dry your dog’s nose is can tell you almost everything you need to know about your... Read More

Why do some dogs dislike other dogs?

Why do some dogs dislike other dogs? Most dog owners who socialised their dogs regularly from a young age are blessed with friendly dogs who tend to interact and get... Read More
Dog Fight
Do You Feel Safe Walking Your Dog At Night

Do You Feel Safe Walking your Dog at Night?

Do You Feel Safe Walking your Dog at Night? Whether it’s because we finish work late or we simply love clearing our minds with a peaceful night-time stroll under the... Read More

How often should I feed my cat?

How Often Should I Feed My Cat How often you should feed your cat depends on you and your cat. For example, some owners like to leave food out all... Read More
Cat Eating Cat Food
Is My Dog Gay

Is My Dog Gay?

Is My Dog Gay? The question of whether different sexual preferences exist in the world of dogs is a controversial one and one which different people have different theories on.... Read More

Positive vs Negative Reinforcement Pet Training Techniques

Positive vs Negative Reinforcement Pet Training Techniques These 2 different methods of teaching and training pets have divided many dog and cat owners on what is best. Positive reinforcement generally... Read More
Possitive Vs Negative Reinforcement Pet Training Techniquesa

8 signs my dog has worms

8 signs my dog has worms Worms are one of the most common issues impacting dogs but can often be difficult to notice until your dog’s health is already at... Read More