Summer is Coming: And so are millions of fleas
While fleas are a problem throughout the year, the warmth and humidity of summer is when flea populations around Australia explode. These wingless insects, who specialise in piercing skin and sucking the blood of their host, thrive in warm and humid temperatures between 24C and 30C.
The summer months are when thousands of unsuspecting Australian homes develop flea infestations, usually caused by their cats or dogs. More than 70% of dog and cat owners admit their pet had fleas last summer. Here’s a couple of things you need to know about the upcoming summer and how you can prepare for it.
Hitchhiker or Home Infestation?
Firstly, you should understand the difference between hitchhiker fleas and home infestations.
Fleas hatch from hidden cacoons and jump around finding somewhere to nest. When you see a flea on your pet, it has likely jumped onto your pet from either outside or from an infestation in your home. A flea that has come from outside is known as a ‘hitchhiker’ flea. Once your pet brings a hitchhiker home, it only takes 36 hours for flea eggs to spread indoors and cause a home infestation. An adult flea can lay up to 50 eggs a day. These eggs fall off your pet around your home and hatch into larvae. Larvae hide under your carpet, rugs, floorboards etc. until they develop into adult fleas and start looking for a host, such as you or your pet.
As long as you have been properly applying your cat or dog with flea treatment throughout the year, hitchhiker fleas will be killed before they can lay eggs and cause an infestation at home. There are many trusted brands out there including Frontline Plus, Nexgard, Advocate and many more. Read the product descriptions of the different options to see which one is best for you and your pet.
Prevention is definitely better than the cure when it comes to fleas. Don’t wait until mid-summer hits before you start thinking about flea treatment – by then it can be too late!