Why do cats hate the water?
While not all cats hate the water, it’s one of the great mysteries of the universe that an animal which takes such pride in cleanliness can be so against having a bath. There are four main theories to answer this question.
- The Fur Theory: This theory covers cats with slightly thicker coats and especially the ones in slightly colder environments.
- The Senses Theory: Cats can be very sensitive to odours and the senses theory suggests this could extend to smells in water. For example, the strong smell of chlorine in backyard swimming pools or the chemical smell of bath products you may be putting in the bathtub to make it more inviting for your cat.
- The Bad Experience Theory: Like humans, cats have long memories. The bad experiences theory states that some cats hate the water due to a previous negative experience.
- The Opinionated Theory: At the end of the day, people with cats know that they can be very strong willed and independent animals. Sometimes your cat may choose to dislike something ‘just because’ and there is little you can do to get your cat to change its mind!